Did you catch the renovation bug after binge watching episodes of Love It or List It all weekend? Or are you just so tired of staring at the same cubicle every day that you can’t take it anymore? Perhaps it’s time to redo your office. Here’s how you can tell if it’s time to replace your old office furniture:
1. Your desk is older than your firstborn child.
Your desk probably rarely crosses your mind, but can you remember when you purchased it? Were flip phones still a thing? If so, you could probably do with an upgrade.
2. Leaning on your chair’s armrest is more dangerous than going on Twitter ten minutes after the latest Game of Thrones episode aired.
It happens–desk chairs don’t last forever (especially if you bought them on sale at Office Depot). But if it’s legitimately falling apart, or you’re unable to use it for its intended purpose, it’s probably time to start looking for a replacement.
3. You’ve never even heard of a standing desk.
Has it been so long since you last bought office furniture that you have no idea how far recent models have advanced? Perhaps you head over to our showroom to check out what’s new (or beautifully refurbished). Then, you can impress all of your colleagues with your fancy convertible standing desk next time one of them complains of a leg cramp.
4. If your office looks more like the set of Office Space more than an actual office in 2018
It’s a funny movie until you realize you’re living it.
Whatever you reason is for wanting to replace your office furniture, we’re here to help. New or used, traditional or modern, we’ve got just what you need to transform your workspace. Call or stop by today to take the next step towards breathing fresh life into your office!