Affordable Used Office Cubicles


Tips for Taking Care of Cubicles

Used Office CubiclesYou spend more time in your office cubicle than you spend at home. Workstation hygiene must therefore be nothing less than a priority. With a range of options available in the market today, refurbished or used office cubicles are a great, cost-effective solution for giving your office a stylish makeover without compromising on functionality or form. They are durable, appealing and economical and are fast becoming the first choice for a growing number of organizations. And, having been pre-owned, they will save you money and add dollars back to your budget.

Used Office Cubicles – Cleaning and Sanitization

It is very important for employees to keep their office cubicles clean.
Used office cubicles can be a sanctuary for germs. Most modern cubicles are made of MFC Faced Chipboard material that’s easily cleaned using mild, soapy water and a sponge or damp cloth.

Cubicle walls are usually covered with that can be vacuumed or brushed off. These fabric-coated walls should be cleaned at least once a year. Vacuuming with the nozzle attachment is an effective way to pull out stubborn dust. Fabric stain removers and other liquid treatments can be used to remove stains and sanitize the wall surface. You may secure the wall with a cubicle-safe upholstery protector that shields it from bacteria and germs.

Parts of the cubicles that are leather-coated may be cleaned with a soft, damp, micro-fiber cloth. Silicon-based products should be avoided. Natural stain-resistant sprays and protectors are best for any kind of surface. Cabinets and cupboards made of metal and steel are best cleaned using a dry, soft cloth as they are prone to rusting. Chemical solvents or sprays may prove to be erosive, resulting in corrosion. In all cases, you must avoid using abrasives or wax.

Clear the Clutter – Organizing Office Cubicles

Office cubicles have an uncanny knack for clutter. A disorganized cubicle with scattered files, scrambled papers and disorderly drawers can affect your productivity and efficiency at work. A good solution would be to categorize files and papers based on how frequently they’re used and store them accordingly. This will not only save desk-space but also reduce the time and effort you put in to locate things that go missing just when you need them the most! Hanging a calendar on your cubicle wall instead of keeping a desk calendar, or using a coat hanger to hang your coat (that otherwise ends up gate crashing your desk!), are small steps that can help you cut down the confusion that cubicle clutter so often creates.

Decorating your Office Cubicle

Pictures, inspirational items like quotes and posters, plants and other artifacts can be used to spruce up your cubicle and give it that personal touch. Used office cubicles often have stubborn stains and spots that refuse to leave. Covering them up with a picture, frame or other embellishments is a good alternative to costly repairs and replacements. However, it is important to be professional and in line with the general policies and etiquette concerning cubicle decoration in your organization.

Fasteners like thumbtacks and push pins can damage your cubicle walls. While decorating your cubicle, ensure that the fasteners you choose do not cause the fabric to tear or walls to bruise. Instead of pinning family photos and other work notes directly to the wall, fix up a bulletin board to avoid the damage. You can also get a whiteboard installed as a convenient and stylish alternative to post-its and hand written message notes. Poster adhesive strips are another cubicle-friendly option. We can even remove your old cubicles to get ready for your replacement cubicles.

Maintaining your Office Cubicle

You will feel relieved after you have cleaned, organized and embellished your office cubicle. Regular cleaning and timely checks are indispensible to maintaining a hospitable working atmosphere. Take the time to give yourself a healthy and relaxed working environment that’s comfortable, clean and functional. Considering the demand and popularity of used office cubicles, there is a possibility that your cubicle may be passed on too. So, be nice and care for your cubicle as you wish its previous owner had!

Contact The Company To Rent For Used Office Cubicles

Looking to buy used office cubicles? Visit Office Solutions today! You may also visit our website for more information about used office cubicles.