Have you been intrigued by the latest standing desk trend, but reticent to try it out yourself? Well, this might change your mind–in recent news, Shark Tank shark and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban purchased Varidesks for the Mavericks’ offices and locker rooms, claiming that the idea was to improve the energy in the space.
Varidesks are a great option for those not quite willing to commit to a full-on standing desk, or even a powered, built-in sit-to-stand one. You simply place the Varidesk on top of your desk and use the handles on either side to move it to a sitting or standing height.
It’s easy to see why an entrepreneur like Cuban would be interested in such an invention because of its ergonomics, ease of use, and the refreshing feeling they can bring to an office that feels stuck in its ways. Also, because of their very clever design, they’re sleek enough to fit well in any office.

If you’re interested in hopping on the sit-to-stand bandwagon, head on down to our showroom! We’ve go a large selection of refurbished Varidesks waiting to be used